In-Person Worship
“Let every living thing praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!” Psalm 150:6
At Faith Presbyterian Church we invite all to worship God by providing opportunities for multi-generations, cultures and experiences to express their faith through preaching the Word, celebrating the Sacraments, prayer, and praising God with music and other arts.
Worship Times
Sundays at 10:00 am
Worship at Faith
Worship Services
Sunday Morning Worship
Sundays at 10:00 am
Worship at Faith is casual with some traditional elements. It feels like church, but may be more comfortable than you expect! Our music ministry blends hymns and anthems from our choir with special music by soloists, chimes, or our band. You can expect to experience holistic worship incorporating liturgy, prayers, music, and the reading and hearing of Scripture. Families with children are invited to worship together. Each week, Pastor Amy has a Children’s Time, after which younger children may go to the nursery.
Sunday School at Faith
Children’s Sunday School
Sundays at 11:15 am
Nursery & Classrooms
During the school year, there is a Children’s Sunday School hour after worship where a preschool and elementary aged curriculum is taught. Middle School and High School programming is also being developed so that tweens and teens have opportunities to grow and live out their faith.
Adult Sunday School
Sundays at 11:15 am
Fellowship Hall and Parlor
Adult Sunday School is held 11:15 am Sunday mornings after worship. The class meets in the Parlor. All are welcome. Subjects of study vary and lay leaders rotate teaching responsibilities. The class takes a summer hiatus the months of July and August.
Frequently Asked Questions
What should I wear to worship?
Whatever makes you feel comfortable. Come as you are and as your authentic self. In the spirit of Austin’s diversity, you’ll see everything from dresses and suits to t-shirts and jeans. You might see the pastor in a traditional robe with a stole, or in regular clothes. Everyone belongs.
May I participate in Holy Communion?
Yes! This is not our table, or a Presbyterian table, it is Christ’s table. All who trust in Christ are invited to his table. This includes children who are being nourished by faith through their families. Communion is served on the first Sunday of every month. Due to Covid-19, we are partaking of communion through individually packaged elements. Gluten-free elements available.
I have children. Are they welcome in worship?
Yes! We love to have children of all ages in our sanctuary. There is a Children’s Message in the first half of the service for all ages of children present. Nursery care is available for infants and toddlers during the worship hour. There is a rocking chair in the narthex available to parents as well.
Will I have to say anything or share my information?
We want you to be comfortable during your visit, and we’ll give you all the space you need. So while we can guarantee you’ll be greeted warmly, you don’t have to do or say anything which makes you uncomfortable. It’s completely up to you when and if you share any contact information.
I have a disability. How is Faith equipped?
We do our best to assist people with different types of impairments. Our entryways have ramps for walkers and wheelchairs. We have handicap accessible restrooms and special seating inside the sanctuary. We have hearing devices located in the narthex. An usher will be happy to help you with any accommodations you need. If you need special help getting from the parking lot into the sanctuary, please let us know ahead of Sunday morning by emailing or calling 512-444-1314.
I’ve experienced some rejection and discrimination in churches. Will I be welcome at your church?
Yes! We are radically inclusive, just like Jesus. Everyone belongs. You will not only be welcomed here, but affirmed as your authentic self. We love all types of families and you’ll find our church family is also very diverse. Our restrooms are gender-neutral.
Still have questions?
Please speak with an usher or greeter as you arrive at the sanctuary. They will be happy to answer your questions and help you enjoy your visit. If you have a specific question you need answered before you attend, email
Upcoming Worship Events
A Faith That Works Sermon Series
September 22 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am CDTA Faith That Works Sermon Series
September 29 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am CDTUpside Down Kingdom Sermon Series
October 6 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am CDT